Getting a medical marijuana card

In most cases, acquiring a medical marijuana card isn’t difficult. In quite a few states, the process can be handled entirely online. It’s possible to schedule an appointment with a qualified doctor in good standing, participate in a video call and get the recommendation without ever leaving the home. Even in those states where it’s necessary to meet with the doctor in person, the visit is...

I like really strong edibles more than smoking marijuana

Getting to travel around the country is a huge luxury and privilege for those of us who did little traveling in our youth.  When my boss asked me if I would consider a position that required me to travel by plane at least once a week, I jumped at the opportunity.  At first it was like a dream come true—I had a few hours at night during each of my trips to explore the cities I was staying in,...

If you like smoking cannabis, make sure you keep your pipes clean

Some of my fellow stoner friends are really lazy in general.  I like to take rips of strong kush strains as much as the next person, but it doesn’t make me any less productive or determined in my day to day life.  If anything, having cannabis as a way to calmly and safely discharge after a long day of stress is a huge benefit to my short term and long term life.  Although I’m a biased...

Why sativa strains may not be best for you

My friend George has struggled with anxiety for most of his life.  He told me once that he would get paranoid whenever he would accidentally make eye contact with random people in stores between the ages of two and five.  It was a forgotten memory until his mom mentioned it one day while they were chatting and eating lunch at a local restaurant.  Clearly it’s an early indication of his...

Indica and why it’s my favorite strain of cannabis

I am a person who naturally struggles with fatigue and low energy.  My daytime hours are consumed by constant work-related stress and the adversity of being a first time father.  It concerns me when I look at how much coffee I consume throughout the day just to stay awake and moving forward.  But without fail, I will feel lethargic and slow by 2pm if I don’t keep drinking coffee throughout...

How to travel with medical cannabis products

Work life now consists of constant road travel and hours of being on conference calls while I play games on my phone out of sheer boredom.  On one hand it’s nice that I’m not required to leave the state for my road trips. On the other hand, this is unfortunate because I might get more geographical variety than what I experience driving through all four corners of this expansive midwestern...

There are a lot of mental health benefits to CBD.

To fully appreciate how cannabis works requires an understanding of the endocannabinoid system. A relatively modern scientific discovery, the endocannabinoid or ECS system is a cell-signalling network found throughout the human body. It consists of receptors that send information to the brain and influence balance and homeostasis. There are two main receptors that let the ECS know when it needs...

I can’t believe how many benefits there are to CBD

By now, most everyone has at least heard of CBD. It’s quickly evolved as a mainstream remedy for just about any type of medical ailment. For those who aren’t fully informed, CBD is the second-most abundant cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. The most prevalent is THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the compound responsible for the psychoactive effects. One of the many reasons CBD is...

I can’t believe that some states have cannabis delivery!

The cannabis community is built on acceptance and compassion. This inclusive culture welcomes medicinal patients as well as recreational enthusiasts. An awareness of the holistic healing properties of cannabis continues to grow and offer exceptional benefits. Along with an increasing number of exciting products and modern dispensaries, delivery services add to accessibility and convenience. For...

It’s good to have a consultant when you are opening a cannabis dispensary

For those looking to start up a cannabis dispensary as well as well-established businesses, the cannabis industry is competitive, complex and challenging. The pitfalls are dangerous and the paperwork is endless. There are constantly-changing rules and regulations unique to the cannabis laws for each state as well as each product. It can be extremely difficult and expensive to secure a license....