There are different laws for medical and recreational cannabis consumption.
Patients with qualifying conditions must get a recommendation from a licensed physician to receive a medical marijuana card.
Those with an MMJ card are allowed higher potency and quantities of cannabis. They don’t pay tax on their purchases. In states where recreational weed is legal, consumers only need to show a valid government-issued ID proving they are above 21 years of age. Other than that, shopping for medicinal cannabis is no different than choosing recreational options. It’s all the same products. There is nearly an endless list of options. For the newcomer, it’s a good idea to get familiar with the terminology. Products are generally divided into three categories or strains, indica, sativa or hybrids. Due to widespread crossbreeding, none of these strains are pure indica or sativa. Indica weed is a short bushy plant featuring dark green, fan-like leaves. Indica strains tend to produce calming, body-specific effects. They usually offer higher CBD percentages without sacrificing THC potency. Cannabis sativa is a taller plant with light green, long and thin leaves. They are associated with energizing and a cerebral high. Sativas usually have higher THC levels and lower CBD levels. Over the years, indica and sativa strains have been crossbred in an effort to produce strains with a combination of effects. They might be targeted at specific curative effects or higher THC potency. There are thousands of hybrid strains, each offering unique properties. However, the effects of a cannabis strain can’t be determined strictly by the category. The terpene and cannabinoid content, interplay of these compounds and the individual person all combine into producing a personalized experience.